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Friday, May 3, 2024 Parshas Achrei Mos 25 Nisan, 5784
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Chayei Sarah - Laying Claim to Israel
Speaker:   Goldwag, Ari
Series: Parsha Podcast
Lecture Details:  Why do the children of Ishmael and Canaan lay claim to Israel specifically in front of Alexander the Great? Why do the responses come from Gevia the hunchback? Why does Alexander feel drawn toward Jerusalem? Why does he want to enter the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount? What does it mean that Abraham blessed Isaac 'with everything?' Why did he send the others away from Isaac? Find out in this week's parsha podcast.
Library:  View All Lectures
Level: Intermediate
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 27 min. More Info
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