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Thursday, May 9, 2024 Parshas Kedoshim 1 Iyyar, 5784
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Project Genesis
Series: Weekly Parsha Shiur, 5779
Level: N/A | Age: All Ages | Gender: both

33 files in this series.
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Title Speaker
Acharei Mos 5779 - The Ten Utterances of Yom Kippur - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bechukosai 5779 - Shemitta, Destiny and Torah - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Beha'alsocha 5779 - An Outlandish Demand - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Behar 5779 - Quality Over Quantity - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Beshalach 5779 - Recreating the Earth - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Bo 5779 - I Will No Longer See Your Face - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Chukas 5779 - Moshe as G-d's Agent - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Devarim 5779 - Shul and State - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Ki Savo 5779 - One G-d, One People - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Ki Seitzei 5779 - Life and Eternity - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Lech Lecha - Avraham's Journeys Setting and Reaching a Goal Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Lech Lecha 5779 - The Time for Lot - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Matos 5779 - The Purpose of Tevilas Keilim - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Metzorah 5779 - Pairs, Partners amd Relationships - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Mikeitz 5779 - Second to the King - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Mishpatim 5779 - The Cries of the Oppressed - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Nitzavim 5779 - Avoiding Sodom - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Noach 5779 - The Mabul - Never Again Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Pikudei 5779 - Crowned in Glory - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Pinchas 5779 - For Our Fathers - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Shoftim 5779 - The Gift of Kehuna - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tazria 5779 - Tzoraas, the Snake and Mitzrayim - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Terumah 5779 - The Heavenly Curtain - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tetzaveh 5779 - The Vision of the Tzitz - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Toldos 5779 - Digging the Wells - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Tzav 5779 - Purim and the Todah - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Va'eira 5779 - Freedom of Choice - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayeira 5779 - Lot - Between Destruction and Redemption - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayeishev 5779 - The Cloak of Yosef - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayeitzei 5779 - Two Brothers, Two Sisters - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayikra 5779 - The Intelligent Offering - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Vayishlach 5779 - Supporters, Partners and Wives - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe
Yisro 5779 - Sending Off Yisro Before Matan Torah - 3rd Aliyah Hauer, Rabbi Moshe



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