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Monday, May 13, 2024 Parshas Emor 5 Iyyar, 5784
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Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
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47 results found. Displaying results 1 to 47 of 47.
Title Speaker
Chometz-Friend, Foe or Maybe Both  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Counting the Omer - Gevura (Discipline)  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Growing Through the Omer - Gevurah (Discipline)  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Pesach-Escaping the Enslavement of Personal Falsehood  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (001) Inner Meaning of Halacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (002) Spiritual Philosophy behind Shabbos  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (003) Inner Anatomy of Melacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (004) Terminology - Part I  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (005) Terminology - Part II  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (006) Plowing - Halacha and Spiritual Principles...difficulty of new beginnings  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (007) Plowing - Spiritual Principles  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (008) From Plowing to Carrying - Integrated system of Melacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (009) Carrying - Transition into and out of Shabbos  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (010) Carrying - Spiritual dimension of private and public domains  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (011) Planting - Halacha and Spiritual principles...reality of potential  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (012) Harvesting - Halacha and Spiritual principles...identifying and uprooting the human condition  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (013) Harvesting - Revealing God's glory in the world  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (014) Gathering - Halacha and Spiritual Principles  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (015) Gathering - Paradox between the collective and the individual  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (016) Gathering - Correcting oneself and fixing the world  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (017) Gathering - Paradox and Resolution  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (018) Threshing - Halacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (019) Threshing - Spiritual Principles...revealing kernel of truth  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (020) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting (6,7,8) - Halacha Part I  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (021) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Halacha Part II  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (022) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Applications...embracing and elevating ambivalence  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (023) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Self purification and free will  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (024) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Anatomy of Spiritual Correction  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (025) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...3 meals  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (026) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...transforming ego  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (027) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...striving for truth and discovering divine destiny  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (028) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...elevating physical desires  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (029) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...elevating divisiveness to unification  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (030) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...transforming the power of speech  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (031) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction from greed to Godliness  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (032) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...turning waywardness into spiritual return  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (034) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction...the inner anatomy of a life test  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (035) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual correction...mitzvah vehicle for touching eternity  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (036) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction ... assimilation, light unto the nations  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (037) Grinding - Halacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (038) Grinding - Spiritual Principles...breaking down-building up  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (039) Grinding - Spiritual Principles...reworking illness into wellness  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos (042) Baking/Cooking - Halacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos(033) Winnowing, Selecting and Sifting - Spiritual Correction of Prayer...putting the ego on the divine altar  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos(040) Kneading - Halacha  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
Shabbos(041) Kneading - cultivating separateness within meaningful relationships  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov
The Higher Order of Seder: Transforming Pesach Anxiety into Anticipation  Level: Intermediate Labinsky, Rabbi Yaakov



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