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Monday, Jun 3, 2024 Parshas Bamidbar 26 Iyyar, 5784
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Stairway to Heaven: Using Tefillah as an Extremely Successful Kiruv Tool
Speaker:   Newman, Zale
Series: Convention 2015
Lecture Details:  Convention 2015 Traditional davening can be both a daunting hurdle and an inspiring, pivotal stepping stone to fully embracing a personal relationship with Hashem and feeling comfortable in the Orthodox community. Mr. Zale Newman has been running beginners services for almost thirty years and has a wealth of insight to share for people who are running a single Shabbos beginners service, a High Holiday Service, or an extended beginners experience. For a number of years, Zale has run a 32-week beginners service at the Village Shul in Toronto that is designed as a bridge to “the real thing.” And, it works. In this session you will— •Learn how to make people feel comfortable in what can be an awkward, alien, uncomfortable setting: shul. •Hear practical, step-by-step guidance to running either a short or full 32-week beginners service. •Receive detailed outlines for how to run each of the 32 sessions •Have an opportunity to “pick the brain” of someone who is a master at what he does. •And, all participants will receive a free copy of Stairway to Heaven, Zale’s recently published beginners siddur.
Library: Association for Jewish Outreach Programs  View All Lectures
Level: N/A
Age: All Ages
Gender: both
Length: 53 min.
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